[JP] JR Tokai urged to minimize environmental impact

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Miss Maglev
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[JP] JR Tokai urged to minimize environmental impact

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Prefectural Government Urges JR Tokai to Maximize Reduction of Impact on Natural Environment in Linear Tunnel "Okoshi Construction Section

On September 7, the prefectural government notified JR Tokai of its "advice" regarding the construction of the Okoshi section of the Chuo Alps Tunnel (6.5 km, Nagiso Town) of the Linear Shinkansen construction project, which is scheduled to begin excavation this fall, after the publication of an environmental preservation plan. The company requested that the impact on the lives of local residents and the natural environment be avoided or minimized to the greatest extent possible.

 JR plans to place a total of 900,000 cubic meters of fill at four locations for the placement of overburden generated by excavation work at the construction site. The advice called for a concrete plan to dispose of the overburden as soon as possible, and for clarification of the amount of soil to be transported and the route to be taken. The company also asked for a detailed explanation of the impact of the transportation on the local residents, and for the elimination of their concerns....

Source: Translated info form https://www.shinmai.co.jp/news/article/ ... 3090800741 Accessed 2023-09-08

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